Starting today you can now search American Glass for pricing and availability. From the profile page (click on your name in the top right corner) you can login to your American Glass account with your customer number.
After you login, click on the distributors tab and you will see a button that says “Search Parts” in the top right corner. Click on that and you will be able to search any part to see if it’s in stock and pricing.
Second feature we added is an Auto Glass Pricing Calculator that you can use to quickly quote a customer based on the part number you searched. You will be able to save labor , sales tax and urethane costs in the profile tab if those costs stay the same most of the time.
It will have to be setup on the web first before you can use it in the app. App version will be available in the next few days. Full CRM subscription required.
See the video below for an introduction and demo of the Distributor Search and Pricing Calculator.